

  • 2007-09 ~ 2011-07    东北大学     材料成型及控制工程专业  本科
  • 2011-09 ~ 2013-07    东北大学     材料加工工程专业  硕士
  • 2014-02 ~ 2019-09    bat365的登录入口     材料科学与工程专业  博士
  • 2020-01 ~ 2021-12    bat365的登录入口  bat365在线平台网站,博士后
  • 2022-01 ~ 至今    bat365的登录入口  bat365在线平台网站,助理研究员
  • 热障涂层的性能预测及腐蚀防护
  • 热喷涂涂层的制备及组织性能调控

1. 致力于利用机器学习构建热障涂层的结构与性能间的关系、预测涂层的性能。2. 研究热障涂层的沉积物腐蚀机理与防护方法。3. 长期从事热喷涂涂层的制备及组织性能调控方面的研究工作,发明了复合热喷涂技术,可解决热喷涂过程中材料的热损伤问题。截止到2022年,共发表SCI收录论文26篇,授权发明专利3项,主持或作为核心研究人员完成项目3项(包括国家自然科学基金、两机专项子课题等)。

  • Xiao Shan, Zhonghua Zou, Lijian Gu, Lixia Yang, Fangwei Guo, Xiaofeng Zhao, and Ping Xiao. Buckling failure in air-plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings induced by molten silicate attack. 2016, Scripta Materialia.
  • Lirong Luo, Xiao Shan, Zhonghua Zou, Chunshan Zhao, Xing Wang, Aiping Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhao, Fangwei Guo, and Ping Xiao. A high performance NiCoCrAlY bond coat manufactured using laser powder deposition. 2017, Corrosion Science.
  • Xiao Shan, Wenfu Chen, Lixia Yang, Fangwei Guo, Xiaofeng Zhao, and Ping Xiao. Pore filling behavior of air plasma spray thermal barrier coatings under CMAS attack. 2020, Corrosion Science.
  • Xiao Shan, Di Wu, Huangyue Cai, Lirong Luo, Lixia Yang, Libing Jia, Fangwei Guo, and Xiaofeng Zhao. CMAS attack behavior of air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings with big pores. 2022, Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
  • Xiao Shan, Huangyue Cai, Fangwei Guo, and Xiaofeng Zhao. Influence of tailoring the pore characteristics of thermal barrier coatings on calcia-magnesia-alumino-silicate (CMAS) attack behavior. 2021, Corrosion Science.
  • Xiao Shan, Lirong Luo, Wenfu Chen, Zhonghua Zou, Fangwei Guo, Xin Wang, Aiping Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhao, and Ping Xiao. Pore filling behavior of YSZ under CMAS attack: implications for designing corrosion-resistant thermal barrier coatings. 2018, Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
  • Lixia Yang, Di Peng, Xiao Shan, Fangwei Guo, Yingzheng Liu, Xiaofeng Zhao, and Ping Xiao. ‘Oxygen quenching’ in Eu-based thermographic phosphors: Mechanism and potential application in oxygen/pressure sensing. 2018, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.
  • Lirong Luo, Xiao Shan, Yi Guo, Chunshan Zhao, Xing Wang, Xiaofeng Zhao, Fangwei Guo, and Ping Xiao. Thermal barrier coatings with interface modified by 3D mesh patterns: Failure analysis and design optimization. 2018, Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
  • Wenfu Chen, Xiao Shan, Yi Guo, Jianghua Li, Zhonghua Zou, Fangwei Guo, Xiaofeng Zhao, and Ping Xiao. The effect of reactive element species and concentrations on the isothermal oxidation of β-NiAl coating fabricated by spark plasma sintering. 2019, Surface and Coatings Technology.
  • Xun Zhang, Xiao Shan, Xiaofeng Zhao, Philip J. Withers, and Ping Xiao. Tracking the calcium-magnesium-alumino-silicate (CMAS) infiltration into an air-plasma spray thermal barrier coating using X-ray imaging. 2020, Scripta Materialia.