

  • 1981-09 ~ 1984-06    华南理工大学   机械工程系     学士
  • 1984-09 ~ 1986-06    英国布鲁耐尔 (Brunel University) 大学   材料工程     硕士
  • 1986-09 ~ 1989-06    英国利物浦 (Liverpool University) 大学       博士
  • 高温合金精密磨削
  • 自主移动机器人

开创性地将人工智能技术、模糊神经网络、视觉感知、多渠道信息融合用于智能机器人焊接,成功地解决了精密焊接遇到的溶深控制,动态过程控制, 及实时跟踪的难题。在飞机发动机部件的恢复和制造领域, 首次提出了基于知识、 在线补偿和传感控制的方法,解决了航空修复和制造自动化因三维曲面的大变形、高温合金极差的可加工性、严重的刀具磨损以及严格的修复精度等遇到的技术瓶颈,形成了叶片变形的三维自由曲面焊接和打磨自动化的关键技术,成功研制了飞机发动机涡轮叶片三维打磨自动化系统。在自主移动机器人研究领域,首次开发无拴线强吸附力爬壁装置,适于不同材料和状况的表面爬壁机器人。这项技术突破为研制可用性和通用性强的爬壁机器人奠定了理论基础并提供了设计指南。因此创建了倒置机器人有限公司(Invert Robotics Limited)。出版专著2部,申请专利8项,发表文章250余篇。

  • 新西兰-中国科技协会  创办人, 现任执委
  • 国际学术期刊 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics  编委
  • 国际学术期刊 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering  编委
  • 国际学术期刊 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems  编委
  • 国际学术期刊 Control and Intelligent Systems  编委
  • 国际学术组织 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society New Zealand Chapter  创办人、首任主席、现任主席
  • 国际学术组织 IFAC Control Education Committee TC9.4  成员
  • IEEE 机器人与自动化(IEEE Robotics and Automation Society)  会议编委
  • Chen, X.Q., Li, H.Z. (2009) “Development of a Tool Wear Observer Model for On-Line Tool Condition Monitoring and Control in Machining Nickel-Based Alloys”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies. ISBN 0268-3768 (Print) 1433-3015 (Online), DOI 10.1007/s00170-009-2003-1, Vol. 45, No. 7-8, pp. 786-800.
  • Ou, Q., Chen, X.Q., Gutschmidt, G., Wood, A., Leigh, N., and Arrieta, A.F. (2012) “An Experimentally Validated Double-mass Piezoelectric Cantilever Model for Broadband Vibration-based Energy Harvesting", the Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. doi: 10.1177/1045389X11431746. January 2012, Vol. 23 no. 2, pp.117-126.
  • Asgari. H., Chen. X.Q., Menhaj, M.B., Sainudiin, R. (2013) “Artificial Neural Network Based System Identification for a Single-Shaft Gas Turbine”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 135(9), 092601 (Jul 31, 2013) (7 pages), doi:10.1115/1.4024735
  • Shamsudin, S.S., and Chen X.Q. (2012) “Identification of an unmanned helicopter system using optimised neural network structure”, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, Vol. 17, No.3, 2012, pp.223-241.
  • Chen, X.Q., Lin, W.J., Ng, T.J. (2009) “Neutral Line Based Tool Path Extrapolation for Adaptive Machining of Edge Welds of Turbine Blades”, Special Issue “Advanced Manufacturing Technology”, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 2009: Vol. 4, No. 2, 2009, pp. 236-251.
  • Chen, X.Q., Devanathan, R. & Fong, A.M. (2002), Advanced Automation Techniques in Adaptive Material Processing, ISBN 981-02-4902-0, World Scientific, Singapore, 302 pages, 2002.
  • Huang, H., Gong, Z.M., Chen, X.Q., Zhou, L.B. (2002) “Robotic grinding/polishing for turbine vane overhaul”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 127 (2002), pp. 140-145.
  • Chen, X.Q., Chase, J.G., Mulligan, K.J., Rodgers, G.W., Mander, J.B. (2008) “Novel Controllable Semi-Active Devices for Re-shaping Structural Response”, IEEE Transactions of Mechatronics, ISSN1083-4435, Vol. 13 No.6, pp. 647-657, Dec 2008.
  • Chen, X.Q., Chen Y.Q., Chase, J.G. (2009), Mobile Robots - State of the Art in Land, Sea, Air, Collaborative Missions, ISBN 978-953-307-001-8, I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, 335 pages, May 2009, DOI: 10.5772/120.
  • Luo, H., Chen, X.Q. (2005), “Laser visual sensing for seam tracking in robotic arc welding of titanium alloys”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer London, ISSN 0268-3768 (Print) 1433-3015 (Online), Vol. 26, No. 9-10, pp. 1012-1017, Oct 2005.
  • Wood, A.R., Leigh, N.T., Ou, Q., Chen, X.Q., and Gutschmidt S. (2014) “Tunable Vibration Energy Harvester and Method”
  • DAVIES, T.H.; SACHDEVA, B.J.K.; SOMERVILLE, L.G.; TAYLOR, A.W.; ROBERTSON, J.G.; CHEN, X.Q. (2014)“Robotic Climbing Platform”, US Patent Application
  • Chen, X.Q. (2009) “Non-contact lifting and locomotion device”
  • King, M., Nees, S., Nagel, M., Ruiter, N.D., Benjamin, R., Chen, X.Q. (2008) “Arm Exercise System”, New Zealand Provisional Patent
  • Chen, X.Q. (2008) “Wall climbing robot”, New Zealand Provisional Patent, Number: NZ571914. 6. Lin, W.J., Ng, T.J., Chen, X.Q., Gong, Z.M. (2008) “Method of Determining Shape Data"
  • 1999年新加坡国家科技奖
  • 2009年新西兰贸易与企业协会创业奖
  • 2012年新西兰科技创新部起步公司优秀奖
  • 美国机械工程师协会第三届国际机电及钳入式系统和应用会议最佳论文奖(2007)
  • 第四届亚洲国际机电一体化会议最佳论文奖 (2010)
  • 新西兰专业工程师协会会士