

  • 1996-09 ~ 2000-07    河南科技大学     bat365在线平台网站  学士
  • 2000-09 ~ 2003-03    河南科技大学     bat365在线平台网站  硕士
  • 2003-04 ~ 2006-03    bat365的登录入口     bat365在线平台网站  博士
  • 2006-04 ~ 2011-11    bat365在线平台网站  讲师
  • 2010-09 ~ 2011-08    美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校  访问学者
  • 2011-12 ~ 2021-12    bat365在线平台网站  副教授
  • 2022-01 ~ 至今    bat365在线平台网站  教授
  • 先进高强度钢
  • NiTi基形状记忆合金;高熵合金

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,不同结构的中高氮不锈钢中氮的作用机理研究,No.52171010,主持;
  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,纳米析出增强轻质高强δ-TRIP钢的合金设计及强韧化机制研究,No.51971135,主持;
  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,淬火配分钢中碳扩散动力学及其对奥氏体稳定性的影响,No. 51271112,主持;
  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,新型淬火分配处理先进高强度结构钢,No.50771110,主持;
  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目,基于加压感应和加压电渣双联工艺制备高性能航空高氮不锈轴承钢的基础研究,No.U196020,交大方主持人;
  • 国家重点研发计划项目,特殊钢的“复杂组织”调控和新工艺研究、No.2017YFB0703003,子课题负责人;
  • 上海市自然科学基金项目,新型铁素体基轻质钢的形变及强化机制研究,No. 17ZR1415000,主持。

  • 中国电子显微学会  理事
  • 上海市电子显微学会  理事
  • Xinyu Huo, Peng Chen, Simanta Lahkar, Mingjiang Jin*, Xiaocang Han, Yuanwei Song, Xiaodong Wang*, Occurrence of the R-phase with increased stability induced by low temperature precipitate-free aging in a Ni50.9Ti49.1 alloy, Acta Materialia, 227 (2022) 117688.
  • Yuanwei Song, Mingjiang Jin∗, Xiaocang Han, Xiaodong Wang∗, Peng Chen, Xuejun Jin, Microstructural origin of ultrahigh damping capacity in Ni50.8Ti49.2 alloy containing nanodomains induced by insufficient annealing and low-temperature aging. Acta Materialia, 205 (2021) 116541.
  • Qi Yang*, Qidi Sun, Weitao Yang, Qingguo Hao, Xiaodong Wang*, Bin Zhang, Correlation between microstructure evolution and mechanical response in a moderately low stacking-fault-energy austenitic Fe-Mn-Si-Al alloy during low-cycle fatigue deformation, Materials Science & Engineering A, 824 (2021) 141766.
  • Yumeng Zhang, Chenyang Wang, Kolan Madhav Reddy, Wei Li*, Xiaodong Wang*, Study on the deformation mechanism of a high-nitrogen duplex stainless steel with excellent mechanical properties originated from bimodal grain design, Acta Materialia, 226 (2022) 117670.
  • Rajamallu Karre, Dezhou Guo, Shuangxi Song, Yixuan Hu, Yu Liu, Qiang Guo, Pan Liu, Xiaodong Wang∗, Qi An∗, Kolan Madhav Reddy∗, Vacancy-driven shear localization in silicon nitride. Scripta Materialia, 190 (2021) 163-167.
  • Nan Wang, Yidi Shen, Qi An, Kolan Madhav Reddy, Mingjiang Jin*, Rajamallu Karre, Xiaodong Wang*, Microstructure evolution and mechanical property of Cu-15Ni-8Sn-0.2Nb alloy during aging treatment, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 86 (2021) 227-236.
  • Lan Ye, Junfeng Wang, Zhaoli Zeng Wandong Wang, Shuangxi Song, Kolan Madhav Reddy*, Li Wang, and Xiaodong Wang*, Realization of selective strengthening of ferrite by Nb/V microalloying in a medium carbon lightweight δ-TRIP Steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 51A (2020) 2460-2468.
  • Wandong Wang, Wei Zhou, Shuangxi Song, Kolan Madhav Reddy*, Xiaodong Wang*, Effect of deformation induced B2 precipitates on the microstructure and mechanical property of Al0.3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 821 (2020) 153445.
  • Xiaodong Wang, Wei Zhou, Pan Liu, Shuangxi Song*, Kolan Madhav Reddy*, Atomic scale structural characterization of B2 phase precipitated along FCC twin boundary in a CoCrFeNiAl0.3 high entropy alloy, Scripta Materialia, 162 (2019) 161-165.
  • Mingjiang Jin, Yuanwei Song, Xiaodong Wang∗, Peng Chen, Guobo Pang, Xuejun Jin*, Ultrahigh damping capacity achieved by modulating R phase in Ti49.2Ni50.8 shape memory alloy wires. Scripta Materialia, 183 (2020) 102-106.
  • Zhaoli Zeng, Kolan Madhav Reddy, Shuangxi Song, Junfeng Wang*, Li Wang, Xiaodong Wang*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb and Ti microalloyed lightweight δ-TRIP steel, Materials Characterization, 164 (2020) 110324.
  • Junfeng Wang*, Qi Yang*, Xiaodong Wang*, Yangyang Zhao, Li Wang, A phenomenon of strain induced bainitic transformation and its effect on strength enhancement in a lightweight transformation-induced-plasticity steel. Materials Science & Engineering A, 751 (2019) 340-350.
  • Z.G. Wang, W. Zhou, L.M. Fu, J.F. Wang, R.C. Luo, X.C. Han, B. Chen, X.D. Wang*, Effect of coherent L12 nanoprecipitates on the tensile behavior of a fcc-based high-entropy alloy. Materials Science Engineering A, 696 (2017) 503-510.
  • JunfengWang, Zhaoguang Wang, Xiaodong Wang*, Qi Yang*, Xuejun Jin, Li Wang, Strengthening effect of nanoscale precipitation and transformation induced plasticity in a hot rolled copper-containing ferrite-based lightweight steel, Scripta Materialia, 129 (2017) 25-29.
  • Kolan Madhav Reddy*, Dezhou Guo, Simanta Lahkar, Chun Cheng, Yutaka Shinoda, Qi An*, Xiaodong Wang*, Graphite interface mediated grain-boundary sliding leads to enhanced mechanical properties of nanocrystalline silicon carbide, Materialia, 7 (2019) 100394.
  • Xiaodong Wang, Wandong Wang, Kolan Madhav Reddy*, Wei Zhou, Pan Liu, Bin Chen, Yangyang Zhao, Shuangxi Song*, Low and room temperatures tensile properties of a nanoprecipitate-strengthened (FeCoCr)40Ni40Al10Cu10 high-entropy alloy, Materials Characterization, 145 (2018) 177-184.
  • Xiaodong Wang, Ruichun Luo, Fang Liu, Fan Zhu, Shuangxi Song, Bin Chen*, Xiwen Zhang, Ji Zhang, Mingwei Chen*, Characterization of Gd-rich precipitates in a fully lamellar TiAl alloy, Scripta Materialia, 137 (2017) 50-54.
  • Wandong Wang, Shuangxi Song*, Kolan Madhav Reddy*, Wei Li, Pan Liu, Xiaodong Wang*, Deformation behavior of ultrahard Al0.3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy treated by plasma nitriding, Materials Letters, 255 (2019) 126566.
  • 2019年,bat365的登录入口教书育人奖个人奖
  • 2019年,bat365的登录入口烛光奖
  • 2018年,bat365的登录入口卓越教学奖
  • 2014年,bat365的登录入口优秀教师奖
  • 2012年,bat365的登录入口优秀班主任